Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Once again I have let time slip by without updating this page.  No excuse,
just busy with painting and life and bemoaning the snow and cold.

It seems to many things come up this time of year.  It's time to submit
for the Art Gallery of Burlington's Annual Art Auction which isn't til
June but needs to be in by the end of February.  There is the Hamilton Art
Gallery's Spring Art Sale, there is the Art in Action Tour and there is the
"Burlington, Urban and Rural"exhibition which takes place next year but
the submission needs to be in by the end of March.  With this many balls in
the air it does give me inspiration to keep painting and painting and painting.

I heard the cardinals outside my window singing this morning.  That means
that perhaps we can't see Spring coming but they certainly can.  Can't wait for
warmer weather and being able to paint plein aire.  Some people paint all winter
but not me.  I hibernate til Spring!

I will be giving a watercolour class at the Oakville Art Society come April for
anyone who would like to brush up on their skills.  The Pelham Art Festival is
coming up Mother's Day weekend in Fonthill.  That may seems like a long way
away but time seems to hurry by.

Enjoy every single day, regardless of snow or wind or any other happening the
weatherman throws at us.  Keep your spirits up and keep painting.  Of all of the
qualities  we possess, perseverance is the most important when it comes to painting.
Just do it as the slogan says. Even when you don't feel like it step up to that canvas
or paper.  Don't look at other peoples work with wistful envy.  Be so busy with your painting that
you have no time for that and "surprise, surprise" you may have enough for a solo

I read a few art magazines, Plein Aire, International Watercolour, American Art Collectors
etc.  If you can't paint, at least read about it to see what is relevant and what is happening.
As artists we spend a lot of alone time and we need to keep ourselves up on the art world.

Won't be long now before we see some green out there.  Be ready for it!!

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