Spring is here, the warm weather surely makes us all feel better.
time to get out there in the great outdoors and do some plein air.
It won't be long before the iris and peonies are out in the Royal Botanical
Gardens here in Burlington. It's something that you don't want to miss if
you paint florals. It's a feast for the senses. I'll be there as soon as I can confirm
the days the Japanese peonies and the iris are in bloom. They are in the Laking Garden.
You can call the RBG for directions and parking.
This coming weekend "Mother's Day Weekend" I will be at the Pelham
Art Festival in the arena on Haist St. in Pelham. It starts on Friday evening
with music, wine and nibbles and continues Saturday and Sunday. A nice
drive in the country if you are considering taking your Mom out for lunch or
dinner. There are 68 artists, a very accomplished lot. It is good to get out
and see other peoples work. It can be very inspiring and if you have been
having a bit of a "painters block" it may very well open that door.
I've been taking a class with Wayne Moore , drawing and painting the figure
in watercolour at the Burlington Art Centre. Wayne is a very good teacher.
If we stop learning , we get dull and predictable Don't want that!
Last Saturday was the AGM of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour.
It was a super day with seven new painters being elected to membership. It is
a goal worth trying for. Think about it. Try an associate membership to get
your feet wet.
Busy, busy, framing and organizing for the weekend. Sometimes it seems that
I need to be two people to get things done. Will have watercolours unframed
and acrylics on the walls. I share a booth with Kjell Orrling who is a wonder
with wood. His cutting boards make wonderful gifts.
Remember, if you just keep painting something wonderful happens. That's
the secret, practice, practice, practice. It is too easy to give up! Keep working
even when you are discouraged and one day you will have that great AHA!!